Archive for the ‘Carissa's finds’ Category

Link Round-Up! Yee Haw.

September 25, 2009

Good finds: Crazy daisies

goodncrazy blue dots


My 8yrold recently discovered her quirky side. She dresses shall we say… eclectically? I’m buying her the brightest patterned tights I can find. I found these patterned tights at $16.

My friend Gretchen of only lives a few THOUSAND miles away… over in FRANCE… you simply must see her artwork. I’m in love with the Safari prints and the fairies are fab! $18

While I was jogging at the gym I found this idea in a magazine: Active Edge Easy Catch…. the ball is foam so it’s indoor friendly! Cuz I swear sometimes my 5yrold is NOT!! $28.99.


My 11yrold is currently reading/devouring/inhaling the Percy Jackson Series of Books. Book one is The Lightening Thief by Rick Riordan. She came home yesterday whining that her school library does not have the fifth one. Can you say BDay present?? $7.99

I just bought her a pair of converse shoes a lot like these and look(!) here they are 20% off. (We were able to use our 20% coupon plus my $15 rewards gift card on TOP of the buy one get one half off! I call that a good shopping day.) $39.99


I dare you NOT to love the contemporary furniture on Plus…CSNstores has a living room makeover giveaway going on.. HELLO! *BONUS*!

I just made this TONIGHT for dinner: Roast Pork Tenderloin w/Apricot Glaze: recipe from {YES. I’ll share.} Leftover suggestion? Shred pork and simmer in BBQ sauce and 1 can tomato sauce, voilá pork sandwiches!

I’m super excited! I just found out I get to be a judge for a contest LeeLouBlogs is hosting for the amazing Memory Mixer products… Go check out the contest and even if you don’t own Memory Mixer Software you can use a 30 day free download to create your scrapbook entry! {There’s a laptop as first prize…!}

*disclaimer: affiliate links included

Giveaway! BuildaBear Gift Card

February 17, 2009

Well This. Is. It.

My own personal Blogavershury!
I’m one this month.
Yessirree. I blogged my whole year away. And to celebrate…

Build A Bear $25 Gift Card For You.
(If you comment. And follow the rules. And you’re nice…and maybe say happy blogavershury)

My daughter a year back wanted a bear from Build A Bear something fierce. And we said sure, but they are kind of expensive… How about you work towards earning half and we’ll pay half…

And kind of like that. (I mean not that you are my kid or anything…)

But Today? I have a Build A Bear gift card for you in the amount of $25… now that will buy you an awesome bear (or Frog) and you can find great ones on the site (and they aren’t naked or anything) for about that price. But if you are willing to save your pennies like my daughter.. you could have this one in time for dying ‘O the river green!

$38 for Irish Dancer Happy Go Lucky…

Or this one for your very own luv bug (I know you have one).

Love Bug Brown Sugar Puppy $24

Hawaii Hello Kitty

And does everyone need a Hula Hello Kitty?
I think you do.

Okay for the boring blah blah blah.. 2 rules.

1) when you comment (and I know you will..right!?) you MUST share at least one other person’s awesome blog url with me. No you can’t put your own url, that would be cheating and cause for kickoutableness.


2) you must click the cute little tweet bird and tweet about this contest… don’t have a twitter account? Then post this link on your Facebook page. Don’t have a Facebook page? Um.. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? Just contact me and I’ll hook you up with some social media good, yes it’s like heroin and yes I’m the dealer in this scenario.

Yes you must complete both steps to qualify. And let’s see.. This contest will end… Friday Feb. 20th at 7PM Pacific Time. Did I forget anything?

Oh yeah.Thanks for a great year!
PS. you should probably leave a way for me to contact you.. don’t know how to connect your blogger profile to your email? Here’s a TUTORIAL. And I’d love to have your twitter username!

TweetIt from HubSpot


Princess TuTu to you…

July 15, 2008

Oh my heck, is this the cutest find ever? Handmade by Lisa who blogs at Two Lovelies. This little Monkey ballerina princess is in her etsy shop! And there are more… hint (ARGYLE)!
